Photos & Video Clips & Photos AllTeachers/ClassActivitiesGroup PhotosCelebrations Graduates and Teachers Debating in Class Canadian Volunteer teaching at G-12 Computer Class Parents and students compete in (tug of war) December sport day Students play tug of war on Christmas Sport day that organized by school and Volunteers Chris and Courine Soccer Team EQAB exam Chemistry Teacher Marking Traditional Dance Mae Tao ClinicMTC giving First Aid training at BHSOH MeetingBHSOH program review and evaluation after Mid-term exam Please Check this, I am not sure!Trip Around Mae Sot Youth leader meeting for activities in Christmas and sport day Getting Vaccine Not Sure!Students Cleaning U Khaing Oo Maung & John Classroom Not Sure!Kids getting hair cut by student leaders Not Sure!Discussion with “Teacher Focus” & Video Clips Beyond Burma 2009 HWF 2012 Trip to BHSOH Primary Classroom Former Student Cane Ball Fun Match 2010 2009/10 Opening Ceremony Stop Motion by Students (Burmese Narration) We are also on Facebook!Follow us on Facebook to see more ...BHSOH@Facebook